Saturday, September 3, 2011

God opens doors this last month

It all started with the pastors conference which Open Baptist Church hosted August 8-12. God was definitely at work way before this came about. He laid it on the hearts of many people to provide for every detail. The church stepped up with donations to provide everything from welcoming gifts to cookies and serving ware for the meals. They once again opened their homes to host the excess people that we didn't have room for at the inn. Then the Lord assembled an awesome group of lecturers coming from partnering churches in the U.S. Those included Pastor Craig Rees from South Tampa Fellowship, Pastor Joel Carwile from Valley View Baptist Church,  Dr. Phil Roberts from Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, Pastor Todd Fleming, Beth Beal and Chylene Burdick from Alice Drive Baptist Church.  Ric & Terrie Weibley also joined us from South Tampa Fellowship. They all joined our Botswana based staff to challange, encourage and equip nearly 200 pastors and other church leaders from Botswana, Zambia and Zimbabwe. Participating pastors continue to communicate how great this ministry was to them and their churches. The fact that we had more pastors from Zimbabwe than anywhere else confirmed our decision to bring a pastors conference there in 2012.

This past week a follow up trip to the northeast district of Botswana and into the southern portion of Zimbabwe also proved fruitful. Upon reaching one church the pastor which attended the Children's Leaders Ministry training had put what he learned to use. He trained the lay leaders of his church the program and the day we arrived was conducting a vacation bible school with 70+ children from the community. This is the start of something big!

The trip had a second purpose which was to make arrangements for a short term mission team from OBC and the U.S.. Ken Galyean with Call to Africa will bring a team the first week of October to host a pastors encouragement conference in this remote region along with a soccer clinic and tournament. Before going we had a lot of questions about the logistics of what would occur. This is where God once more open doors in amazing ways. We were introduced to Pastor Linda Monkhouse with Mt. Beulah Church and her understanding that we desired to equip and encourage pastors in building God's Kingdom said it all. When we didn't have a confirmed venue with needed space it became available. When we were not sure how or who would cater the meals, provide for the team's lodging, make available tables and who would assist with our worship; God provided. Just the week before a worship leader from another village hundreds of kilometers away conveyed that it was time for the Masunga village and area to have a crusade. She stepped up to the plate and confirmed her participation. This same thing happened in Zimbabwe by two outdoor venues availing themselves in areas where local evangelistic outreach is needed. How exciting to see God direct us and provide for every detail.

It has been a busy month here in Botswana but we have seen God's hand at work in so many ways that we have continually been affirmed in our mission and blessed to be a small part of His plan.

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