Saturday, October 6, 2012

Our Flower Garden!

Update from Operation Botswana

It's been awhile since we have given any updates from this part of the world.  The days are going by quickly, we are already into October!  What has happened in the first 9 months of this year?  Actually, quite a bit.

In January, we moved to Kumakwane and began building a small house since we feel that The Lord has opened up ministry opportunities here.  In April we were able to move in although the interior was not quite complete.  Jeff continues to build wardrobes and cabinets in the evenings and weekends.

We have already been able reach out to more people in the village than in Gaborone.  People seem to have more time and are very willing to listen.  We have started a small group that meets in our home every Wednesday evening.  Up to 15 people from 6 different countries gather to fellowship together and learn more from God's Word.  Jeff is currently spending 5-6 weeks teaching us more about discipleship.  Last Friday we had movie night at our house and invited children from the village.  Jeff set up the big screen in our driveway and over 35 children came.  We watched "The Jesus Video for children"  in Setswana together while enjoying popcorn, cookies and juice.  Although we didn't understand the language, the children did, and seemed to enjoy it very much.  It was beautiful hearing them praying in their language at the end, we didn't need much translation for that!  We will continue to look for DVD's that would be relevant for them so we can continue and hope to have an "adult" movie night also.

In July, Jeff was invited to Chegutu, Zimbabwe to preach and teach at a Pastor's conference there.  He spent 3 days teaching the pastors about "conflict within the church", and continued developing relationships with people he has met in his past few trips to Zimbabwe.  

In August, Open Baptist Church held their 4th Annual Pastors Conference with over 120 people in attendance.  The pastors delved deep into The Word focusing on Discipleship, Apologetics, Missions and the Book of Philippians. They each received a "Messenger", a solar charged digital audio playback device with not only the entire New Testament on it but also 36 sermons by Dr. Charles Stanley.  These were donated by "In Touch Ministries".

In September Jeff headed back to Zimbabwe for 2 weeks.  The first week was spent in the Victoria Falls area with a mission team of 11, conducting leadership training, outreach in evangelism, and through a sports ministry.  The second week he went to Harare to assist at a Pastor's Enrichment & Encouragement Conference.  Ken Galyean from "Call to Africa" flew in from the States along with Dr. Phil Roberts, Pastors Larry Wright & John Crocker.  Along with our Pastor, Norman Schaefer, they helped to equip the  pastors there with a greater knowledge of God's Word and offered a time of spiritual rejuvenation.  The "Messenger" was also given out to each pastor attending courtesy of "In Touch Ministries".

Next week Open Baptist Church will be having their annual Missions Conference.  Many missionary partners with OBC will be attending the conference and will share information about their work so our congregation can learn more about each of their ministries.

As we settle into village life, we are starting to find ways to spread God's love.  We have acquired 12 laying hens and are using the eggs to reach out to our neighbors and get to know them better.  Jeff is hoping to reach out to a few men through woodworking,  helping them learn a new skill and at the same time feed them with God's Word.  We are trying to start a vegetable garden but the art of compost and proper care just might get the better of us.  At times like this, we really wish April's Dad was nearby for much needed input.  Most mornings will find Jeff reading God's word with Raizer, the young man who helps us with our yard work.  He has a short devotion with him before starting work. 

We continue to grow in God's word day by day.  Much like our flower garden, it takes water, fertilizer, weeding, pruning and loving care to produce beautiful flowers. And without God's grace, we would never flower!  Thank you for your prayers and support during this growing time.

From the Field,
Jeff & April Sukup

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

New Roots

New Roots

For the last four plus months we have been living in the small village of Kumakwane. We have been praying for a long time whether the Lord would direct us to stay in Botswana on a more permanent basis. In the two years we have been here we have learned a lot and experienced even more. Fact is it’s just the tip of the iceberg. We felt drawn to continue serving in the amazing ministry of Open Baptist Church and reaching out in whatever new areas the Lord would show us.
Long time administrator of Open Baptist Church, Allan Megaw and his wife Gloria made the offer for us to come live at their property in Kumakwane. In the beginning it would be in a small one bedroom cottage until we would confirm what other structure would be suitable. It didn’t take long with Allan’s persistence, knowledge and generosity to propose a new building on a portion of his property.

Decisions on everything from the ground up had to be made along with the follow up to see them through. We didn’t want anything fancy, I was actually hoping for thatch roofing to get a real village feel. In just three months the home was completed and the first week of May we are moving in.

We do have hopes to better learn the culture, even to speak more of the language; this has been a struggle since coming. Unlike Gaborone the capital which carries a lot of western influence and people from many nations, the village life is Batswana. Most everyone else is indigenous to Botswana. Mainly all dirt roads, small modest homes, domestic farm animals run loose throughout the day and just a slower paced life style in general.

We have several new friends and acquaintances here and everyday those relationships grow deeper. Now that we will be in our new home with a little more space we hope to start a home fellowship group which would study and grow in God’s word. We also hope to branch out in other areas of ministry and connect with some of the village churches.

Your prayers are much appreciated and we will try to make regular ongoing updates to keep you informed.

Blessings, Jeff & April