Last Sunday Pastor Norman preached on Acts 13:1-4. When he read verse 3, his comments were "this was the beginning of world missions". He then went on to say that the Church needs to deliberately send out missionaries and we have fallen short of the mark! He said that in the life of OBC, we had sent out many short term missions, & supported many mission groups, but had never sent out a full time missionary. This was de ja vu to me. It was about 1 year ago that I heard the same thing from our Pastor in Tampa. At that time, Pastor Craig went on to ask us if we would consider going to Botswana, Africa, as the first fully supported, full time missionaries from South Tampa Fellowship. He wanted to take our Church to a new level, the next step up from sending short term mission groups. As Missions Director at STF, Jeff had been on many mission trips but Pastor Craig saw his passion for missions and wanted STF to quit "falling short of the mark"! Because of Pastor Norman's & Craig's insight, we were able to follow our passion and obey God's calling. And as a Church at OBC, we are joining our fellow congregation in praying about sending out our own full time missionary to the field. What an exciting time! Help us pray for "Kez" that she would see God's will for her life and follow obediently in whatever direction He has for her.